Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Nightmare Begins...ish


    Upon the insistence of my fellow men (well, dragons mostly) I have decided to begin a proper blog. A place where I can slow drip my thoughts onto a page and array them into something approaching a cohesive sequence of logical inputs and outputs. Easier read than written, I assure you. Blogspot was selected as the dropping ground for this thermonuclear spazz-out as I'm too much of a Boomer (born 1992) to utilize such websites as the popular globalist spyware platform or the popular Red Chinese spyware platform and instead feel that the only trustworthy websites are those that have stuck around from the Clinton era. It's not my fault that 1999 was objectively the last great year in human history - or maybe it is and I just don't know it yet.

    Besides, I used to have a couple blogs here where I'd spew out both really bad high school poesy and contextless pro-wrestling match ratings. Both have long since cast into the black hole of cyberspace deletion.

                                                Oh hey look it's Bill Clinton's half-brother!

    If this seems like a glorified vertical slice that's because it is. You are witnessing me testing out the capabilities of this site in real time. Yes, even right now. Hours, days, maybe even years or decades removed from initial publication. There is an unending ouroboros of goblin men on Stairmasters writing out blogs as you read this. They're all the same blog. This is they.

There is no way to end this post (for it is a test and has already either passed or failed its initial run and the only means of knowing for certain is to shunt it out into the cold, cold world. 

First proper review coming soon. I think what to do it on.

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